

来源:国外网站推荐 收录时间:2020-02-11




数学计划(Design Codin)是一个努力于数学以及创意计划交融正在一同的研讨博客,包含多少计划尝试、参数化建模、数字化制造以及数字与艺术相干的成绩,这也是用于晚期计划教导的教授教养办法尝试室。aG6一点就转

Designcoding.net is powered by WordPress using a modified version of Plainscape theme, running on a Hostgator server operated by Linux, PHP and MYSQL. Font used in the logotype is “Spaceman” by Dirk Schaechter. This website is also powered by Wp Print Friendly (Erick Hitter), Efficient Related Posts (Aaron D. Campbell), Wp-PageNavi-LightWord (Agus Suhanto, Lester ‘GaMerZ’ Chan & scribu), Relevanssi (Miiko Saari), WPtouch Mobile (BraveNewCode inc.), plug-ins for better functionality.aG6一点就转

Rhinoceros3d is a NURBS modeling software for designers. For more information, visit rhino3d.com. Grasshopper3d is a parametric modeling environment, utilizing a visual programming language, and working as a plug-in of Rhinoceros 3D. For more information and downloads, visit grasshopper3d.com. Please note that, Grasshopper3d is under development, we’ve used version 0.8.0059 in first posts and version 0.9.0076 in latest posts. You may experience version conflicts with the ghx and 3dm files shared at this website as Rhinoceros3d has also released a new version. GHX files shared at this site should be saved to your computer using right click, otherwise, your browser may try to read it as an xml file. Pytonscript and RhinoScript are scripting environments within Rhinoceros, visit python.rhino3d.com for more information.aG6一点就转

AutoCAD, Revit and 3D Studio MAX are products of Autodesk. For more information and download, visit autodesk.com. DesignScript is an environment developed for Autodesk software. You may download and use designscript editor at labs.autodesk.com. MaxScript is a scripting environment developed for 3D Studio MAX. You can read more about it from docs.autodesk.com.aG6一点就转


All materials shared at designcoding.net are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. You may download, use and change them only if you are not making money out of them. Similarly, some of the material presented here are deviations and manipulations of similar works throughout the web, licensed under similar conditions, or became anonymous without any recognizable owner. designcoding.net provide tips, tricks, files, examples or suggestions “as is” without warranty of any kind. In no event, shall designcoding.net and it’s owners be liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of data, or loss of business profits or any other damages, that may occur as a result of implementing any downloaded file or outlined tip, trick, example or suggestion.aG6一点就转


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