

来源:国外网站推荐 收录时间:2019-12-03





Web Widget,中文译名被称作是微件,是一小块能够正在恣意一个基于HTML的Web页面上履行的代码,它的施展阐发方式能够是视频,舆图,旧事,小游戏等等。它的基本思惟根源于代码复用,凡是状况下,Widget的代码方式包括了DHTML,JavaScript和Adobe Flash。qLu一点就转

Web Widget能够向一个基于HTML的Web页面上增加一些静态内容。它能够是点击计数器,及时股票信息和航班信息等等。凡是状况下,一个Widget的功用都是由第三方供给的代码完成的,而Web开辟者,只要要将这些代码块嵌入本人的页面便可。实在,正在万维网开展的晚期,Web开辟者就曾经测验考试正在他们的页面中嵌入一些第三方开辟的代码块,不外这些代码块晚期的功用凡是都是一些诸如链接计数,或许告白标识(en:Web banner)之类的。qLu一点就转

Web Widget能够被视作是小型的可下载使用顺序,不外这些使用顺序都是使用一些Web技能来患上以完成的,包含JavaScript,HTML和CSS等。Web Widget凡是都需求依附一些地下的WebAPI。这些API能够是由阅读器地下,或许是由一些Widget引擎地下。qLu一点就转

Protopage is your own personal page, which you can access from any computer or mobile phone.Use it to read your own selection of news and blogs, keep bookmarks, to-do lists, sticky notes, and much more.qLu一点就转

You can choose your own selection of news from thousands of sources.To read a news article, click the headline inside the news widget.There are thousands of different widgets that you can add to your page.qLu一点就转

To see the list of available widgets, click the 'Add widgets' button at the top of the page.Most news sites and blogs make their headlines available to Protopage using a technology called RSS.qLu一点就转

To add a news site or blog to your Protopage, simply click the 'Add widgets' button, enter the web address, and click 'Go'.Your widgets are arranged into columns. You can drag and drop widgets to re-arrange them by clicking and dragging the title bar.qLu一点就转

You can resize a widget by dragging the corner.Some widgets have settings that you can edit. For example, a weather widget will let you choose your city by clicking 'edit'.qLu一点就转

You can remove a widget from your page by clicking the 'x' button.Use bookmark widgets for fast access to all of the web sites you go to most.Click the 'edit' button on a bookmarks widget to enter your favorite web site addresses.qLu一点就转

You can add sticky notes on your page. To edit the text, simply click inside the widget and start typing.You can also add to-do lists, calendars, photos, and much more.qLu一点就转


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