

来源:国外网站推荐 收录时间:2019-11-11



OpenDesk:家具开源图纸DIY订购平台是一家经过家具图纸来自界说家居订购的网站,OpenDesk 不只可让用户本人下载图样制造,还能让具有数控机床的制造厂帮忙制造部件,最初由本人停止拆卸。Inc一点就转


OpenDesk 由Joni & David Steiner两兄弟与 Development 00 联手兴办,是首个与FabHub网站兼容的名目,后者可以让用户搜刮左近地域的制作商。你还能经过ShopBot找到或人为你切割部件而后送到你的居处或许办公室。Inc一点就转

开源的计划图纸可收费以.dwg 以及.dxf 等数控机床能辨认的格局停止下载。你还能够下载开源家具的 PDF 阐明文件,测验考试本人入手去做家具。今朝该网站上有很多计划精巧,外型没有错的桌子、凳子等家具的计划模子供用户收费下载。鄙人载前,用户还能检查到计划师和该模子的 3D 示例图等相干信息。正在用户顺遂制造出称心的家具后,还能正在其社区与其余用户分享制造进程中碰到的工作。Inc一点就转

OpenDesk is about local making. What's available to you — what you can make and what you can have made — depends on where you are and how much you want to get involved in the making process.Inc一点就转

All the OpenDesk designs are available as digital downloads. These digital files are fed into a CNC machine, which produces raw sawn pieces of wood. These are finished by hand, a process that can involve oiling, sanding, polishing and small parts. The finished pieces can then be assembled by hand on location.Inc一点就转

How much of this process you want to do is entirely up to you. If you're a professional maker with, or with access to, materials and a CNC machine, you can download and make the product from scratch yourself. If you're comfortable working with raw wood and have the necessary equipment and small parts (like glue and screws of castors), you can buy OpenDesks in "Sawn" form and finish them yourself.Inc一点就转

If you're not a carpenter but you can assemble furniture yourself, you can buy "Flatpack", IKEA style. This means that the wood has been fully finished (oiled, sanded, polished, etc.) and packaged up with any necessary parts and instructions. Alternatively, if you're not comfortable assembling or if it all just sounds like too much work, you can simply buy "Assembled" and sit back and have a professional maker do everything for you.Inc一点就转

The more work you do, the lower the cost will be. Plus, in many areas, you may be forced to buy flat-packed or arrange the making yourself if we haven't yet found makers who can deliver or assemble to your location.Inc一点就转


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