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Matthias Jung 想入非非的修建拼图艺术

发布于:2019-11-18 22:05:24 栏目:刊物 点击: 国外网站 - 国外网站大全整理

来自德国的图形艺术家Matthias Jung的胡想是冲破修建逻辑以及物理定律,他搜集照片素材,重新界说了超理想主义的梦境贴图艺术,采纳天然调和的超理想主义体式格局来展现建拼贴画的艺术美感。

Matthias Jung 异想天开的建筑拼图艺术

Germany-based graphic artist Matthias Jung dreams up wildly imaginative buildings that defy architectural logic and the laws of physics. Using photo materials that he's collected, Jung rearranges different components into fantastical collages of surreal houses that could only exist in an alternate dimension.

Matthias Jung 异想天开的建筑拼图艺术2

Contrasting architectural styles are combined with natural elements in unexpectedly harmonious ways. Buildings are stacked on top of each other in jumbles; trees sprout from the roof of a house; needle-thin poles support the weight of a modern-looking creation. These creative collages, which the artist calls "architectural short poems," invite viewers to visualize new perspectives on how we live.

Matthias Jung 异想天开的建筑拼图艺术3

Matthias Jung 异想天开的建筑拼图艺术4

Matthias Jung 异想天开的建筑拼图艺术5

Matthias Jung 异想天开的建筑拼图艺术6

Matthias Jung 异想天开的建筑拼图艺术7

Matthias Jung 异想天开的建筑拼图艺术8

