

来源:国外网站推荐 收录时间:2020-02-19



Pastery 是一个撑持一键剖析内嵌代码或许笔墨内容的收费效劳站点,网页全体界面计划洁净复杂,可让你疾速正在线上同享笔墨或者编程代码,撑持年夜少数编程言语,整合私密、平安、复杂的三年夜特征。GSW一点就转


使用无须注册帐号,只要把你想分享的文字或者编程代码复制贴上,就能产生随机的分享链结。所有过程都经过加密处理,以避免在传输途中被第三方获取; 允许使用者自定义网址失效时间,从十分钟至一个月,当然也能选择永久保存。GSW一点就转

Pastery is the sweetest pastebin in the world.GSW一点就转

pastebin is a website that lets you send large bodies of text to other people. Usually, this is done to avoid overwhelming people in chat rooms with long lines of text.GSW一点就转

There are many pastebins, but this one's ours. Here's why we made Pastery, and how it's different from the others:GSW一点就转

  • It's pretty. We wanted something that would be pleasing to the eye. Pastery supports dozens of programming language highlighters and tens of styles.
  • It's private. There's no way to list pastes, as there's no reason for anyone to see random pastes that other people happen to be posting right now. When you create a paste, the only people who can see it are the ones you send the URL to.
  • It's secure. Everything goes over an encrypted TLS connection, so nobody other than the intended recipient (and us. And probably CloudFlare, and maybe Google. But that's it.) can see what you're pasting.
  • It's simple. URLs consist of easy-to-read, case-insensitive letters, with confusing characters like O, 0, I, l and 1 removed.
  • It's developer-friendly. Using Pastery is easy, and developing with it is even easier. There's a single-endpoint API that lets you upload pastes of your favorite language from your favorite programming language.
  • It's considerate. Pastes have short expiration times out of the box. With a default expiration time of one day, you can be sure that your pastes won't hang around more than you want them to, and we delete them completely after they expire, so your data aren't kept on a server somewhere indefinitely.

If you need anything, you can email us at support@stochastic.io, or open an issue on our issue tracker.GSW一点就转

We hope that you'll like using Pastery as much as we do!GSW一点就转


一点就转 :收集和分享实用网站资源,推荐国内外知名、实用、、优质的网站资源!本站收录的"Pastery|在线文字加密分享工具“信息均来其官方网站或互联网的开放资源,具有时效性,因域名、网站名称及内容会受域名过期、网站服务器故障、域名所有者更替等不确定因素,而存内容失效、错误等情况,请您谅解。如您发现网站失效或者无法访问请通过邮箱或者QQ(97302255)的形式告诉本站。
